Saint James Parish Community represents a diverse gathering of those from all areas, ages, backgrounds and stages of life. We come together to worship but also to work alongside one another to better our communities, to enrich the lives of those we serve, and to live out our Faith and bear witness to the life of Christ and the fellowship of man.
Eucharistic Adoration: Thursday 8:30 am - 7 pm
Rosary: Sunday 8:30 am
First Friday: First Friday of each month at 8 am
First Saturday: First Saturday of each month at 8 am
Family Rosary: First Saturday of each month after 5:30 pm Mass
Stations of the Cross: Fridays of Lent 5:30 pm
Via Crucis: Los viernes de la cuaresma 7 pm
We have a rotating Music Ministry schedule that is open to all ages and ranges. Our parish welcomes any musical talents to join in whether they be vocal or instrumental to assist our Music Ministry. Please contact the parish office if you would like more information.
Our Parish Community offers support for and education of the Catholic families in our community. We offer Faith Formation for grades PreK-8, a youth group for High School students, activities for young adults in our Faith, and Marriage Encounter weekend support and meetings with other families in the Church to help lift up and encourage those who have chosen Family Life as their vocation.
If you desire to volunteer within the community, we have a variety of ways and outlets that facilitate the need for our parish members and community to give back to the greater Southeastern Wyoming area. Check the bulletin or call the office to see how your talents and time can be shared.
We have a dedicated team of catechists and volunteers who support the teachings of the Catholic faith and assist in nurturing both children and adults in a deeper understanding of the beauty of the traditions and teachings of our Holy Church. If you are considering learning more about the Catholic Faith, please come by the Parish Office to learn more about classes and sacraments for all ages.
We encourage a deeper and enriched relationship with Scripture. Currently we have a Women's Bible Group that meets weekly, but are always open to more groups beginning within the church to assist our parishioners with greater knowledge and understanding of the Holy Bible. For more information on our current Bible Study Group or if you would like to lead a study, please call the parish office.
Our councils and committees are led by our parish priest to look at all aspects of our parish community and how we can better serve the needs of both faith community and those in our communities at large. All requests for discussion should be brought to the pastor for committee or council discussion and advisement in order to help facilitate changes deemed necessary within the construct of our parish.